Follow these 5 tips to organize a successful congress


Follow these 5 tips to organize a successful congress


Follow these 5 tips to organize a successful congress

Are you considering planning a congress? It is an extremely particular event, and its organization may pose a significative challenge for all involved. The most important thing is to plan it with time and tackle the logistic process step by step.

Successful Congress

We have 5 tips to help you have a successful congress:

1.Consider an appropriate sponsorship

In order to afford a quality congress, you need sponsors who are related to the area you are dealing with: it is always important to do this months ahead of the event.

2. Create or encourage a community:

The first step is to know what kind of people we want to gather at the event hall; if it is a professional established community or if we want to create it from uniting several knowledge or interest segments. This will help us define the objectives according to the theme chosen for the congress.

3. Carefully choose the lecturers

The idea is that the lecturers that will attract an audience to the congress are renowned on their work areas, but they must also be chosen according to their charisma and ability to keep the audience’s interest.

4. Attention to detail

In every step of the process, you must make a continuous revision of the details to avoid being overwhelmed by all on the day of the event. You must remember that, if left unattended, small details can build up until they are noticed by the guests.

5. Use technology to our favor

Nowadays, technology is our ally in any event we need: from projectors, surround sound, LED screens, to digital media that work to broadcast the congress.

Do you have any congress or conference in mind? Remember that at the Costa Rica Convention Center we have halls and amenities that can adapt to every one of the needs of your event. Contact us for advice and information here.

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