Prevention measures in the CCCR / COVID-19


Prevention measures in the CCCR / COVID-19


Prevention measures in the CCCR / COVID-19

Prevention measures in the CCCR / COVID-19

Prevention measures in the CCCR

At the Costa Rica Convention Center we have implemented and activated preventive measures to reinforce cleaning and sanitation throughout the premises, as well as a line of communication that allows us to guarantee that our clients, guests and work team are adequately informed.

What are we doing to address the situation?

We have implemented prevention and awareness measures recommended by the World Health Organization and the Costa Rican Ministry of Health, to increase preparation and reform the cleaning and disinfection protocols in the premises.

Signs of correct hand washing and the correct way of coughing and sneezing have been installed in all the sanitary services of the enclosure to guarantee healthy practices.

All the sanitary services of the enclosure have been equipped with the following implements:

  • Soap
  • Antibacterial
  • Gel alcohol
  • Paper towels for hand drying

Gel alcohol dispensers have been located in strategic places (reception, food station and common areas) with their respective signs of «When to disinfect your hands?» to encourage constant hand disinfection.

Regarding cleaning and disinfection protocols with a minimum daily frequency of twice a day, for; the organization’s floors, door knobs and handles, toilets, tools and work equipment of the organization and any surface with which it has permanent contact.

Preventive measures

What can you do during your visit to the venue to promote a safe and healthy environment?

We strongly encourage all visitors to the Costa Rica Convention Center to follow hygiene etiquette and recommendations. The World Health Organization and the Costa Rican Ministry of Health recommend the following:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and / or alcohol.
  • Cover your face with a tissue and / or the upper arm to cough and / or sneeze
  • Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth
  • Avoid anyone with a fever and / or cough

How to proceed in case of symptoms?

Symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pneumonia
  • Throat pain
  • Severe respiratory insufficiency

Anyone with symptoms of «flu» or «cold» should attend a health service and avoid being in contact with people like colleagues and clients.

If people who have «colds» report that they have been in contact with people who were diagnosed as suspected, probable or confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) or who 14 days before visited areas of risk of transmission of this virus, according to the official list of countries with autochthonous cases of COVID-19 disease, you should go to the nearest public or private medical center for the respective medical evaluation or call 9-1-1.

Sick people must stay in their homes.

Any discomfort of a visitor who reports symptoms during their visit to the venue will be treated in accordance with the emergency protocol by following the following steps:

  • A person or persons with risk symptoms are detected in the facilities
  • The Occupational Health and Environment Manager is notified.
  • The patient is isolated in the nursing area
  • Report to 9-1-1.

You can read more articles here

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