How to organize a successful meeting


How to organize a successful meeting


How to organize a successful meeting

It may sound easy, but to organize a successful meeting there are several specific elements to take into consideration to make sure that we have a rewarding Business Meeting.
Here is a guide with the essential steps:

1. Send the invitation with plenty of time and RSVP

It is very important to take your time to check the meeting guest list and ask ourselves if their presence is absolutely necessary. When the list is ready, sending the digital invitation one week before the event is ideal, as well as reconfirming the attendance one day before.

2. Have the agenda with the topics to cover ready

Many meetings lose productivity because of a lack of a detailed agenda with a clear description of the topics to cover or discuss. Checking beforehand the objectives of the meeting allows us to proceed in an orderly and clear way to be as efficient as possible with the time.

3. Assign someone to keep a track of time and write the meeting minutes

In larger scale meetings, there is always one person in charge of keeping time to make sure that all the objectives in the agenda are met. It is also crucial to choose the right person to write precise yet concise meeting minutes.

4. Choose healthy snacks

Generally, meeting snacks consist of coffee, beverages, and something light to eat: the most important aspect here to take into consideration is for them to be healthy. Avoiding excess sugar and fat is key to keep the guests active during the meeting.


If you need a room fully equipped to have an important Business Meeting, at the conventions center we have a variety of rooms to hold different capacities. We have cutting-edge technology and all the camenities – including excellent gastronomy – for you to enjoy a successful and productive meeting.

Get to know more of our meeting rooms and here.

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*The information sent to the Costa Rica Convention Center will be governed by “Law 8968 on the protection of natural persons against the processing of their personal data.”

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