Guanacaste: LAMITE 2019 event dedicated to business meetings tourism


Guanacaste: LAMITE 2019 event dedicated to business meetings tourism


Guanacaste: LAMITE 2019 event dedicated to business meetings tourism

Guanacaste, June 24 – 27. Costa Rica is the venue of the Latin America Meeting & Incentive Travel Exchange (LAMITE), an event to expand the contact and opportunity network in the Latin American travel market. LAMITE connects high-volume meeting planners and hosted buyers based in Latin America with world leader providers to cultivate relations and maximize profits. This event will take place at Planet Hollywood Hotel, in Guanacaste.

Guanacaste is internationally known as a tropical paradise, being one of the most popular provinces in Costa Rica. Visitors are attracted to the long summer days, the active culture, and the incomparable wildlife. It is located on the Northeast part of the country and has diverse and exotic characteristics. The province offers infinite options for recreation: surf, quad bike tours, snorkeling, zip lining, horseback tours, hiking, among others, and that is why both locals and international visitors travel to Guanacaste.

LAMITE is the only event in Latin America that allows a face-to-face gathering between prequalified meeting planners of great volume in Latin America and hosted buyers who make worldwide reservations for businesses. One of the values of the event is to provide the vendors private time to spend with the buyers who participate during two days in the negotiation and guarantee a minimum of 20 preprogramed appointments. Through a rigorous process of selection, this fair recruits only the most qualified business meetings planers and hosted buyers of the region. The buyers, located in Latin America, come from key buying sectors, like direct host companies, event management companies, business meetings and travel agencies (which are important buyers of MICE in Latin America). To the date, there are 80 participants between hosted buyers and suppliers.

For Juan Carlos Borbón, Marketing Director of the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism, “this action is part of the public-private effort that is made specifically for the event and business meeting market. Our country has been chosen to host the LAMITE event that gathers approximately 80 international buyers from Canada, United States, Mexico and Latin America. We feel very proud and are convinced that the event is successful, especially for that national and international businessmen who join us.”

Borbón concluded that this event does not only enhance Guanacaste has a destination but also other areas of the country that offer an ideal quality product for the business meeting and incentive market.

Costa Rica’s incorporation to LAMITE is part of the marketing and positioning actions for the business meeting industry. Additionally, there are advertising campaigns in specialized media, an ambassadors program for the presentation of congress and international events nominations, among others. Participating on this fair allows getting to know the tendencies in the industry of business meetings, incentives, congresses, conventions and events by gathering relevant information for strategic marketing decision making.

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