5 cooking tips to charm your guests


5 cooking tips to charm your guests


5 cooking tips to charm your guests

One of the most important elements of any event is food, and we know that at the Costa Rica Convention Center. That is why we strive for the food that we serve at our events to be of the highest quality.

If you are organizing an event, these are the 5 tips that we have learned and applied during our time of experience:
  1. What type of food am I serving?

Not all the parties have to have a buffet; sometimes the best option is dinner served

directly to the table or, if the event is more casual, rounds of aperitives are the best option. We must take into consideration every detail of the event we are planning to make the best choice when it comes to food.

Culinary Tips

  1. It is always better to be overprepared that underprepared.

We learned this from our mothers and grandmothers, and it is real: in case of any inconvenient, it is always better to calculate extra.

  1. You can never be sufficiently prepared.

Eventualities are an everyday occurrence at the party hall, and that is why it is important to have the utensils and ingredients ready at hand. Another basic rule fits on this tip: if there are elements that can be brought to the venue already prepared (like sauces or baked goods), you should take advantage of that.

  1. Have the right staff.

You should always have separate people in charge of distributing food and beverages, besides the kitchen helpers. A well-equipped and well-distributed staff does not need to be large if it is chosen correctly.

  1. Distribute the meal times.

You should not have all the food served at once, especially early in the event. Knowing how to measure meal times and leaving some snacks for the end is something that your guests will thank you for.

Are you planning an event soon? Our halls host some of the biggest parties in Costa Rica. If you want to stop worrying, you can leave your event in our hands and, we will follow these tips and more to make sure that your activity is perfect

You can see more photos of our events here.

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