Unexpected beneficiary of the Coronavirus: The Planet


Unexpected beneficiary of the Coronavirus: The Planet


Unexpected beneficiary of the Coronavirus: The Planet

Because the consequences that the coronavirus pandemic and confinement have brought, there have been 3 unintended beneficiaries:

3 benefits that the Coronavirus has brought to the Planet:

  • Pollution reduction

Several researchers from IQAir, a global air quality information and technology company, conducted a study in 10 large cities around the world, which have a relatively high number of COVID-19 cases and which implemented quarantine measures.

The experts found, for example, that, in New Delhi, considered one of the most polluted capitals on the planet, there has been a reduction in deadly particles during a period of 3 weeks of quarantine, compared to the same time of the previous year. And according to the research center on energy and clean air, carbon dioxide emissions in China decreased, by at least 25% from February 3 to March 1, due to measures to contain the coronavirus, causing us to currently have skies. more blue.

  • The earth shakes less

Seismologists are observing much less environmental seismic noise, that is, the vibrations generated by cars, trains, buses and people in their daily lives.They explain that with the absence of that noise, the upper crust of the earth moves a little less.

  • Wild life

In the absence of human beings, in Adelaide in South Australia several kangaroos have been seen in recent weeks jumping quietly through the streets. Deer roam the desolate neighborhoods in Paris while monkeys are seen playing quietly on the sidewalks in New Delhi, India.
The important thing about these events and this new opportunity that planet earth is giving us, is to maintain it and take care of it for future generations. At the Convention Center we do our best to achieve this, being a sustainable venue.

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