How to plan a wedding and not die trying


How to plan a wedding and not die trying


How to plan a wedding and not die trying

It is about a magical day, for those who will get married and for the guests who celebrate the union. But the previous months can be a true nightmare if you don’t look after some details; at the beginning they can seem small until they become huge.

As a place dedicated to making events in Costa Rica, we have some suggestions that can help you at the moment of planning a wedding.
  1. First the Guests List:

This will define all the other elements of the wedding: the size of the place, the type of ceremony, where it will be located, the even hall, etc. Because of that, the first thing to establish is the guests list and refine it well, making sure to take care of the priorities of attendees.

  1. Check the Circumstantial Problems:

If you have tentative dates for the wedding day, it is important to check if there are other important events near the area that can interrupt the traffic or assistance of your guests. It is also crucial to check the climate to prepare for any problem that may occur.

  1. Correctly Divide the Budget:

This will depend on your priorities, but the most important of all is to save at least 5% of the total budget for emergencies on the day of the event. You never know what can happen!

  1. One Step at a Time:

From when you start planning the event, until the day you are in the event hall: not overwhelming yourself for wanting to do everything is the main key. Taking it easy and organizing things is part of learning to enjoy this process.

  1. Hire a Planner:

Not only to soothe the responsibilities of planning a wedding, hiring a wedding planner is also a good idea to get better prices taking advantage of their alliances with several providers. Also, they will be in the events center that day, making sure everything is perfect and that the bride and groom don’t have to worry about anything other than enjoying their big day.

  1. Learn to Yield:

Not everything will be 100% as you and your partner dream of, but learning to negotiate and reach middle ground is important to avoid disappointments that are not worth it.

Are you ready to live an unforgettable night? Ask for a quote; we make the process easier.

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