Entrepreneurs are trained in integrated security and innovation.


Entrepreneurs are trained in integrated security and innovation.


Entrepreneurs are trained in integrated security and innovation.

Empresarios turísticos Costa Rican tourism entrepreneurs will be trained in security and innovation in the framework of the XX National Tourism Congress (CNT), an event organized by the National Chamber of Tourism in collaboration with the Costa Rican Tourism Institute, next November 21 and 22 at the Costa Rica Convention Center. serán capacitados en materia de

The CNT is the most important event of the national tourism sector, which brings together leaders and representatives of the public and private sectors. With each edition, it seeks to delve into current issues of relevance to the industry, as well as to generate spaces for dialogue and reflection.

The theme of the 20th edition of the Congress was “Towards Excellence in Tourism. Innovation and security for the competitiveness of the destination”, with this purpose will feature lectures, conferences, and panel discussions, which will be facilitated by national and international experts.

“Safety and innovation are priority issues for the competitiveness of a destination, therefore, we seek to promote the development of the capacities of our entrepreneurs through training and knowledge of experiences and successful cases, to seek solutions to the challenges we have and consolidate the sustainability, profitability and competitiveness of tourism,” said the president of Canatur, Sary Valverde.

The first day of the event will be completely free and will be held by invitation and exclusively for representatives of the tourism sector. This date will be devoted to address issues related to the country’s comprehensive security, from prevention to the proper management of emergency situations.

National experts will participate in this event, as well as experts from countries such as the United States and Spain, who will speak on the impact of crime on the tourism industry and risk management of events and tourism.

For María Amalia Revelo, Minister of Tourism, “sustainable tourism must also be safe, therefore, the training organized by the ICT for the first day of the XX National Tourism Congress has set as a goal to sensitize and integrate the entrepreneurs of the sector in the task of improving the care of tourists and the assistance they should receive in emergency situations. It is one of the efforts that this Administration is undertaking to articulate the State, local governments, entrepreneurs, civil society, academia, embassies and other actors in prevention to make Costa Rica a safer destination.”

The second day will focus on innovation, with the aim of making the sector adapt to new trends and global challenges. To this end, the expert Juan Manuel Baixauli will be in the country, who will offer two keynote lectures: one on Innovation and Creation of Tourism Product and the other on Trends in Tourism Distribution.

In addition, there will be panels on competitiveness and more precise information will be presented on the impact of tourism on the country’s economy.

“We are honored to be part of this important event since innovation is an axis of our strategy and is established in our company vision. We understand innovation as a process, rather than an idea or an isolated action, and being able to host this meeting gives us the possibility of making an experiential contribution to the topic, since visitors will live one of the most innovative experiences that Costa Rican tourism currently has, as is the way in which events are carried out at the CCCR,” added Alvaro Rojas, General Manager of the Costa Rica Convention Center.

The participation fee for the second day of the Congress is $125 for individuals or companies associated with Canatur, $95 for affiliates and $75 for students.

For more information on the event, interested parties may contact 2234-6222 or [email protected].

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